Subject: EASYBID: v6.20 Construction Est Author: Matt C. Hancock (Advanced Electrical Systems) Uploaded By: AesMatt Date: 11/19/1997 File: EBID6.ZIP (305184 bytes) Estimated Download Time (61366 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 1834 Needs: An UnZIPing Program and Windows 3.x or greater Keywords: Hancock, Accounting, Construction, Estimating, Lumber, Win31, Win95 Type: Working demo Uploaded by the author New with this version: Allows entry of manhours into the data base. Accounting and construction estimating software. Creates take-off from any engineered set of plans. Take-off lumber areas lengths and keep track of material, accounts and invoices. For assistance, contact AOL member: AESMatt To run, launch: EBID6.EXE Documentation: README.TXT plus help within the program Downloads for previous versions: 2970